Definition of Mountain-oriented Education (MoE)

Education for sustainable development (ESD) and environmental education (EE) form the basis for Mountain-oriented education (MoE). MoE emphasizes the interrelations between mountain regions and society. In the Alpine context, MoE enables youth to face and shape present and future Grand Challenges in that it strengthens capacity, competencies and resilience among them on the basis of the rich Alpine cultural and natural heritage. Participation, the capacity to act, self-determination, lifelong learning, identification with the Alpine environment as a vital resource of life, and the integration of formal and non-formal education are the main principles helping to promote the change in the education system while at the same time favouring the transition of the entire Alpine territory according to the premises of sustainable development.
Working definition WPT2 YOUrALPS project – May evolve


     Mountain-oriented Education values

  • Environmental education in the perspective of sustainable development places values at the forefront.
  • Mountain-oriented education is based on the principles of sustainable development
  • Mountain-oriented education is a life-long educational process
  • Mountain-oriented education is based on active and varied teaching methods, on practical field experience, on group work, on transdisciplinarity and on debate
  • Mountain-oriented education promotes the awareness of important mountain issues and the active participation of citizens
  • Mountain-oriented education aims at the development of a shared mountain culture and identity
  • The development of mountain-oriented education actions are based on partnership and the search for quality

The main challenges for Mountain-oriented Education in the Alps

  • Creating a common awareness of the Alps
  • Teaching the Alpine natural and cultural heritage
  • Reconnecting young people and mountain heritage for an inspiring future in the Alps


Main references

  • Education for sustainable development (ESD) – UNESCO definition  :"Sustainable development cannot be achieved by technological solutions, political regulation or financial instruments alone. We need to change the way we think and act. This requires quality education and learning for sustainable development at all levels and in all social contexts. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is about enabling us to constructively and creatively address present and future global challenges and create more sustainable and resilient societies”
  • Mountain-oriented education (MoE) practices and approaches – Status quo analysis report . The report provides both scientific insights about Mountain-Oriented Education (MOE) from multiple perspectives and an overview of current practical implementation examples. It includes methodology, results and conclusions of several surveys as well as a comprehensive collection of MOE practices throughout the Alps. The report has been developed in the frame of the YOUrALPS project.